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Yusuf Al-Garash

IT Student

location House PhoneNO Email Birth


Programming Languages
Web Development
Graphical Design
Computer Skills
Spoken Languages


I am very excited to go over this stage in Information Technology, and I am powerful in learning new skills and gaining more skills. I am looking forword to playing a very effitient role in this field due to that I do whatever I could to minimize the distance between me and the goal that I am looking for.Finally, putting my fingerprint in this world is my path .


  • 2018-2017 : Graduated from High School
  • Yusuf Al-garash has graduated from high school and had gotten 91.88% in the accumulated high level degree whith Excllent evaluation.

  • 2018-2020 : Studying English Language and Finished the High Level
  • After completing school, I moved to study English and computer fundementals and achieved many courses that suppert me..

  • 2020-Till now : Start studying in the UST
  • Certificats
